Laurens Van Vliet says he thinks this is a California Scub Jay, photographed on an Agassiz power pole. (Laurens Van Vliet/Contributed)

LETTER: Visiting jay bird in Agassiz

Laurens Van Vliet shared these photos of a scrub jay in Agassiz

An Agassiz resident caught a visiting bird on camera.

“A few weeks ago, I photographed these pictures of a Scrub Jay (or California Jay) who visited the power pole just on my property line,” Laurens Van Vliet wrote.

“Someone who knows birds told me that this is a Scrub Jay or California Jay, rarely seen here in B.C.”

Do you know what bird this is, or have pictures of your own you want to share? Contact the Agassiz Harrison Observer at

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Laurens Van Vliet says he thinks this is a California Scub Jay, photographed on an Agassiz power pole. (Laurens Van Vliet/Contributed)