Letter: Vote to protect environment

Letter: Vote to protect environment

An Aldergrove resident want the environment to be an election issue.

Dear Editor,

I want my vote in this election to stand strong on the issue of climate change and our urgent need to protect our environment.

I want my grandchildren to experience clean air and water so that they are able to enjoy the benefits of living in the best country in the world.

We have to be tough and put the quality of our life before economic greed.

We need our government to take the appropriate actions and create environmental laws that protect our environment.

Most importantly, our government must hold those accountable who deliberately destroy our environment by imposing more than fines.

I want better protection of our natural resources. I want us to leave an environmental legacy for future generations.

We can elect a government that represents our collective voice.

Time is ticking.

We can’t afford to wait any longer to take these important measures. Please listen and take action for the Canada that we love.

On Oct. 19, let’s get out in record numbers to vote for a Canada we believe in.

Kim Bucholtz, Aldergrove



Langley Advance