LETTER: Voters suckers for con artists

Government does not offer stewardship people need, says reader

Letter SIG

Letter SIG

Re: Sooke River tragedy tinged by unanswered questions (Online, Feb. 6)

John Horgan is a politician.

I doubt he received the correspondence sent to him. They’re screened by bureaucrats and party hacks who don’t know much.

I’ve received a response from underlings on a few occasions, sometimes meaningful, at least in part, but often full of campaign-style blather and claims the government is doing well on the subject.

When someone says, “We will do everything possible to prevent this from ever happening.” I ask if they’re stupid. Life is not zero risk, the Sooke Potholes area is far above zero. Would the government close the park completely?

Who elects the fools? My answer is that voters are suckers for con artists who promise what’s not possible – free lunches.

We see handouts, favouritism such as Horgan propping up the dangerous drivers and irresponsible companies in the taxi cartel, bullying such as Horgan’s channeling of Lenin against concerned property owners, pandering as Christy Clark was good at, and duplicity such as by W.A.C. Bennett.

But not the stewardship people need. Voters, think.

Keith Sketchley


Goldstream News Gazette