Marc Dalton was elected Conservative MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge in October 2019. (The News files)Marc Dalton was elected Conservative MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge. THE NEWS/files

Marc Dalton was elected Conservative MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge in October 2019. (The News files)Marc Dalton was elected Conservative MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge. THE NEWS/files

LETTER: Voters will remember MP’s tweet come election time

Seniors are not impediment to the resurrection of our economy, contrary to Dalton's comment

Dear Editor,

[RE: MP blasted for tweet, April 16, The News]

How is this guy [Conservative Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge MP Marc Dalton] still our MP?

He’s basically asking for the culling of the herd.

And when he’s asked why he deleted the tweet, like a true politician, he sidesteps the question and deflects all intent.

I wonder if he’s going to visit any care homes in the next little while, to explain himself to these people who probably aren’t going to make it anyways and are a burden on society.

RELATED: GUEST COLUMN – Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge MP should be censured for ‘cold-blooded’ tweet

How is he going to explain to them that they are an impediment to the resurrection of our economy.

I’m sure he has a way and they’ll understand.

Good luck in the next election Marc, people around here have good memories.

Michael Tuzzi, Maple Ridge


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