LETTER: We shouldn’t expect a change in hospital service, just because the address changed

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Everyone in the Comox Valley, including the elderly, should consider this. We had a smaller hospital in Comox, St. Joseph’s General Hospital, up to October 2017. That’s just over six months ago.

A new hospital was built and the expectation of many in the community has changed. People seem to think, ‘It’s a bigger building, there must be more resources to take advantage of.’

There is an expectation that wait times in emergency should be shorter and more people should be able to be admitted.

There is only the same amount of staff that we had at St. Joseph’s, it is the same community we had six months ago. Putting more demands on hospital staff for not meeting the inflated expectations is misplacing the blame.

Every single person has a responsibility to take the best care of themselves that they can.

When needed, there are caring, skilled and amazing professionals to help support them in regaining good health. Let’s all be positive partners in our health care system.

Ann Waring


Comox Valley Record