Nelson’s welcome signs, which were erected in 2001 to replicate signs built in the late 1960s by Art Waldie, should be replaced, writes Barry Rice. Photo: Jake Sherman

Nelson’s welcome signs, which were erected in 2001 to replicate signs built in the late 1960s by Art Waldie, should be replaced, writes Barry Rice. Photo: Jake Sherman

LETTER: Welcome signs could use renewal

From reader Barry Rice

When visitors to Nelson drive into the city from any of the three directions they are welcomed by drab, rotting and oddly worded “Welcome to Nelson” signs.

Since tourism is very important to the financial well being of the city, these unwelcoming signs are a huge negative. First impressions are paramount. Much work has been done inside the city to enhance public spaces but nothing has been done to enhance that first impression.

Some years ago a consultant, hired by the city, recommended renewing these three signs. He also suggested re-positioning the one at the south entrance from the city limits, where there are many unsightly structures, to closer to the highway interchange with the view of Elephant Mountain and the lake.

Nelson has a wealth of design and creative talent — it’s way past time to put it to work to enliven that first impression.

Barry Rice


Related: Remembering the man who carved Nelson’s iconic welcome signs

Nelson Star