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Letter: West Kelowna soccer dome a budget disaster

"A simple soccer dome project that started at $1.5 million has now escalated to almost $4 million."

To the editor:

On Jan. 10 a very important question was asked of West Kelowna Coun. Rick de Jong, regarding the new soccer dome, he was asked: are you concerned about the additional cost of the soccer dome? De Jong answered no.

A simple soccer dome project that started at $1.5 million has now escalated to almost $4 million and the city has not disclosed the cost of land which could, perhaps, bring this cost closer to $4.6 million.

Thousands of dollars have been spent on design fees yet they forgot washrooms. These are the same $100,000 city staffers that actually approve developer projects.

The same city staffers that approved telephone poles in the middle of sidewalks, cost overruns for a wine trail and now are in charge of a $50 million water treatment plant development (that is really behind schedule). Although city council has no concerns, the taxpayers should not only be concerned, they should be outraged.

What will it take before this city council becomes concerned about spending the taxpayer’s money? Who’s watching our money to make sure it actually is being spent appropriately on projects.

West Kelowna taxpayers hoped for a culture change with the last civic election. A change that would bring a mayor and council that would actually care about our taxpayer dollars. Well, it looks like another four years of too bad for you, taxpayer.

Bill Anstead

West Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News