LETTER: Whale watching business deserves city's support

LETTER: Whale watching business deserves city’s support



Knowing now that the pier will be repaired in the next months, I am wondering if – and hoping that – White Rock Sea Tours and Whale Watching will once again be back in operation from their location on the pier.

I spoke with Captain Andy, of White Rock Sea Tours, while down on Marine Drive. He seems uncertain regarding his future location.

I think he does a great service to the City of White Rock by providing an opportunity for people to be educated about orcas, humpbacks and California grey whales, as well as other species of sea life that exist in our area of the world.

He is a dedicated environmentalist, well-known in the community, as well as a businessman trying to make a living, and I hope that the city will see to it that his business continues so as to further educate people from all over the world regarding local creatures and their habitat, as well as bringing people to White Rock so they can enjoy other beautiful aspects of the city.

A day out with Captain Andy is an incredible experience in nature and one not to be soon forgotten.

Roger Currie, Surrey

Peace Arch News