LETTER: What if pipeline were on the other foot?

LETTER: What if pipeline were on the other foot?

I'm wondering what the feelings here in B.C. would be if Quebec decided that they just didn't want any more water traffic coming back and forth on the St. Lawrence because of the air and water pollution, and the potential of a devastating collision of tankers and whatnot, so they were going to deny any more traffic.

I’m wondering what the feelings here in B.C. would be if Quebec decided that they just didn’t want any more water traffic coming back and forth on the St. Lawrence because of the air and water pollution, and the potential of a devastating collision of tankers and whatnot, so they were going to deny any more traffic.

Oh, yeah… that would seriously impact the Canadian economic situation, wouldn’t it? But you demonstrators would be OK with that?

Dennis Dudley

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News