LETTER: Who’s under the climate change umbrella?

To the writer of Forestry protests, arrests at Fairy Creek' not working' (News, Sept. 23), I suggest not lumping all old-growth cutting opponents under the climate change umbrella.


To the writer of Forestry protests, arrests at Fairy Creek’ not working’ (News, Sept. 23), I suggest not lumping all old-growth cutting opponents under the climate change umbrella.

We run the spectrum of age groups and backgrounds, but not all of us buy into the “world will end in 11 years because of climate change” nonsense. There are also spiritual, cultural, historical, and indeed environmental reasons for opposing the slaughter of old-growth trees. It’s sloppy journalism to imply otherwise.

Andy Neimers


editor@sookenewsmirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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