Letter: Xenophobia grows as as refugee arrival nears

The federal government will not be picking up these expenses, it will come out of your pockets.

To the editor:

Foreign refugees to Canada: Projected cost this year of $876 million with an additional $1 billion over next six years with extra medical, educational expenses which we will incur, placing a greater burden on these systems.

Canadian refugees (our citizens) your, sons, daughters mothers and dads. living on our streets, under bridges, river banks, dumpsters, store alcoves and tire bins, etc. across our Canadian cities. What financial aid are they getting to place a roof over their heads, food on their tables or clothing on their backs?

Wait times extended for your access to medical services etc., and the added cost to local tax bases for schools, security etc. The federal government will not be picking up these expenses, it will come out of your pockets.

Have we Canadians lost our common sense or will we just keep tripping along blindly?

Sure seems strange, male refugees fleeing their countries, not staying to defend their children’s homeland/country. Just giving cart blanche to those who want to take it over to their ideology. Seems that these men are spineless with no substance. Something happens here will they also run with no roots to our country?

Frank de Smet,  Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News