Letter: Young Kelownians want out of their cars

New breed of Canadian shoppers want out of their cars.

To the editor:

As a vendor and customer of the Farmers’ Market, I support moving the market to the North End of Kelowna.

Those who oppose the move because they think the highway draws customers are out of touch with today’s emerging customer base.

I don’t stop at places because I happen to notice them. I use online apps, as do most tourists.

The highway along Orchard Park could belong anywhere—it’s neither interesting nor inspiring.

People don’t go to farmers’ markets because of where they are, they go because of what they are: Unique spaces reflective of local culture. Culture doesn’t happen along highways or in parking lots—culture grows with community, in interactive social spaces like Urban Square will be.

My parents were the type of consumers that opponents of the move are wrongly focused on—we spent more time on that ugly highway than we did downtown. We knew more about TV characters than we did our own neighbours in the suburb we lived in. Most of our food came from Costco.

Now, my parents, and many of my friends’ parents are unhealthy and unhappy, which is why my generation is striving to redesign our lifestyle and this community.

Since moving back, I’ve witnessed an exciting cultural shift. Many of my friends have moved back too, and we’re Farmers’ Market regulars. We live in urban areas, we walk and bike, we shop locally, and we will support a North End market.

We might not be the demographic vendors like M. Houde (Market Vendors Not Split: Just Have Different Opinions on Move, March 28 Capital News) cater to, but we are the future of this city.

It’s symbolic those who fear change are fixated on parking, because their limited vision is going nowhere.

The North End is off the beaten path, but that’s what makes it cool. It’s not a cultural hub yet, but moving the Farmers’ Market there is the right step towards that vision.

Amanda Poon,



Kelowna Capital News