LETTERS: Caring for our veterans


Re: Conflict over Veterans Affairs, Feb. 13 letters.


Re: Conflict over Veterans Affairs, Feb. 13 letters.

No need for veterans to worry about being neglected by the recent closures of under-used offices, our MP, Russ Hiebert (South Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale), carefully explained in the letter to Peace Arch News.

As for letter-writer John Fortin, who complained about the poor service he received from the Department of Veterans Affairs, his facts are perplexing.

My husband is a recipient of DVA services due to a hearing loss that was directly caused from his air force service. He had to substantiate this claim and his health records in the armed forces proved this to be true.

Veterans Affairs has a process that must be followed before a former serviceman is eligible for DVA funds. The process is well supervised so no one can take advantage.

My husband is very pleased with the care he has received, and so are many other veterans.

As for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, I am glad he shows that our country will stand up for Israel.

On Remembrance Day, we think about the tragic loss of so many people and how six million Jewish people were barbarically exterminated.

It is said “never again,” and we mean it.

Leone Wright, Surrey

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An open letter to MP Russ Hiebert.

Your letter to the editor states that  “since taking office in 2006 we have increased funding for veterans by over $4 billion.”

Could you please supply a detailed breakdown year by year of the amount? Figures rounded up or down to the nearest $100,000 will suffice. I am sure Peace Arch News will gladly publish them.

Wolfgang Schmitz, White Rock



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