

LETTERS: City of White Rock priorities, timing questioned

Why was 'hump' issue not addressed during spring lockdown?


I wonder why (the lighting on the pier) is getting such concern when the city of White Rock just interrupted businesses down on Marine drive for the umpteenth time, with the ‘Hump’ piling and sidewalk replacement.

One does wonder why the city did not do these repairs when businesses and restaurants were shut down during the initial COVID-19 lock-downs?

They are all struggling, yet (are subjected to) another poorly timed shutdown of open access, albeit with one-way traffic. After COVID-19 (parking closed down and the promenade shut-down) and all the other previous construction, businesses needed this particular stretch of time between now and Xmas, where there is unfettered access for customers.

One also wonders, with all the uproar over the pier lighting and the attention it is getting, if the city just can’t get its priorities right.

I know the philosophy is to help businesses as much as possible, but is this type of untimely planning doing the job?

Garry Wolgemuth, White Rock

Peace Arch News