LETTERS: Climate change out of our control

Re: "Australian wildfires a climate wake-up call" editorial in the Jan. 17 edition of the Victoria News.

LETTERS: Climate change out of our control

Re: “Australian wildfires a climate wake-up call” editorial in the Jan. 17 edition of the Victoria News.

I take issue with your statement, “It’s astonishing that in the face of evidence we’ve all seen and heard and even touched, we are still too in denial about the crisis of nature of climate change to act to try to save ourselves and our planet, even if we aren’t in denial intellectually.”

Just 12,000 years ago, most of Canada and the northern U.S.A. was covered in ice. There was a kilometre of ice above where we live today in Victoria. It melted. The climate changed. You can’t blame the melting of all that ice on SUVs and anthropogenic CO2.

The global warming alarmists would have you believe that if every human being were to die tomorrow, the climate would not change in the future because anthropogenic CO2 is the cause of “climate change” (they no longer use the term “global warming”). How foolish is that? The climate would continue to change without any humans, like it has for the last 4.6 billion years.

Those global warming alarmists are who I would label “climate deniers.”

Patrick Hunt


Victoria News