File letter

File letter

LETTERS: Fines for putting garbage out early called ‘ridiculous’

'We pay taxes for garbage collection, not garbage collection with restraints'

I have never submitted a letter, but feel compelled to do so re: local resident letters published this week in response to the “what appears to be new” Mission City Garbage Collection bylaw and fines.

I too received a warning sticker with impending $250 fine if I did not comply with putting my garbage cans to the curbside between 5-8 a.m. on the day of collection. I have lived in Mission for 29 years and my garbage habits have not changed, so this was new news to me.

I find the whole thing ridiculous and a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. Maybe this is Mission’s way of receiving an increase in revenue to make up for losses and/or mismanaged funds.

I completely agree with comments already expressed in previous resident letter submissions. Some people’s schedules do not allow for them to put their garbage cans to the curb between the allowed hours, and others may not be physically able to accommodate the time frame for various reasons.

We pay taxes for garbage collection, not garbage collection with restraints. Other than a tactic to collect revenue, I’m not sure why this has been implemented by the District.

I am guessing it is possibly to do with bear concerns. Well my garbage can storage area is by my fence, which is approximately three feet from the curbside. I’m sure if a bear were to come around my home and wanted my garbage, it would make no difference if the cans were on the curb or by the fence, it would take the three steps from the curbside to the fence.

The bear is in the area anyhow, regardless of where my garbage cans are.

Seriously, I see no logic to this new policy, other than a Mission District money making strategy. Maybe a better idea to save taxpayer money, would be not to pay and employee a salary or gas money to drive around in the evening looking for garbage can violators.

Darcy Herrmann


Mission City Record