Letters: Flea Beach good as is

Shirley resident defends Flea Beach and its naturalness

Regarding the letter to the editor last week about Flea Beach, the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society has asked me to respond with the facts.


The Society received a licence of occupation for the right of way called Flea Beach from the Ministry of Transportation. This was after the community requested the local Parks Commission take the area over for a park — and they refused.


The society then set out to consult the community about what should be done with the site.  They also created and adopted at public meetings a draft “Vision” for the area. They sent out letters and emails and held an open house asking for people’s opinions. They also asked the local parks commission to comment on the vision for Flea Beach.


The society learned the following:  Most people wanted the little beach to remain natural and be left alone. No benches, trash cans, recreation apparatus. Most people did, however, want the driveway repaired, danger trees to be removed and the unique Flea Beach ecosystem to be restored through replacement of trees that have been cut down and replanting of vegetation native to the area. They also asked that drainage issues be dealt with so it can be accessed all year long.


After hearing from the community, the society created an action plan to implement the necessary repairs, improvements etc., and it was recently approved by the Ministry of Transportation. A danger tree at the middle of the driveway has been removed with volunteer help and a professional tree cutter who donated his services. The society met with Mainroad and asked them to assist with the driveway repair — and are awaiting a response. They have found a local machine operator who will help repair the drainage along the driveway and at the bottom of the beach.


As for the bear — bears don’t fall under the category of taking care of the property for the good of the community. If they are living there, let them be.

Flea Beach has been a natural day use area for locals for many years, and residents want it to be restored to a natural state.  The society will be doing just that.




Sooke News Mirror