LETTERS: For the love of the game

This young Penticton boy certainly gained our respect and needs to be made an example of.

We arrived home the other day to a hand-written note in our mailbox from a boy in our neighbourhood.

Andrew was asking if he would be able to collect our recyclable bottles on a specific date and time, explaining that he loved to play soccer and he was trying to raise money for his soccer team to assist him with some of the expenses for this upcoming season.

Well wasn’t that a pleasant surprise.  A young man making an effort to help himself achieve something that he loves.  Both my wife and I found this very refreshing. Saturday came and Andrew saw lots of willing neighbours assisting him with his goal as he collected bottles from our neighbourhood.

On Sunday late afternoon our dog alerted us to the mail box, and he was not happy that the mailman came on a Sunday.  Andrew was riding his bike around the neighbourhood delivering hand written thank you cards, thanking us for our bottles and once again expressing his love for soccer, signed Andrew.

Wow, this young boy certainly gained our respect and needs to be made an example of.  I also would like to commend the parents who obviously are trying to instil some very good values in their son and teach him that hard work comes with rewards, and to be respectful and polite.

Way to go!  Good luck with your soccer season Andrew.  Well done.

Bernhard and Jan Schneider



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