
LETTERS: Give local merchants your business whenever possible



Please support our local merchants so they will continue to be there for us.

On Saturday evening, Oct. 25, I had planned to spend the evening reading a book on my tablet only to find the charger was broken and my tablet was dead.

It was too late to find a store open that could help. There went my idea on a COVID-19 Saturday night to snuggle up in a comfy blanket and read.

The next morning, I commented to my husband that we don’t have to leave White Rock to go looking for a charger when there are three computer stores in White Rock, all within walking distance – one being in our strip mall at North Bluff and Johnson Road, another on Russell Avenue, and a new one that just opened a few weeks ago at 1351 Johnson Rd.

While it seemed unlikely that one would be open on a Sunday, when I looked out our patio door I could see the back door was open to the shop across the lane from us.

So, my dear husband put on his jacket, picked up my tablet and out he went.

He was back in a few minutes with a big smile on his face, for they had the charger I needed.

Who would have thought? The tablet is old and we expected the charger to be obsolete. To make this more special, the owner gave it to us at no charge.

So please, before you head out of White Rock to shop, remember we have wonderful people that own stores that need your help to get through this crisis. Please try them first.

Lenora Moore, White Rock

Peace Arch News