LETTERS: God's message remains the same - love, respect one another

LETTERS: God’s message remains the same – love, respect one another



The Bible was written over a span of 1,500 years, by 40 writers. The Bible reads as a factual news account of real events, places, people, and dialogue.

Historians and archeologists have repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of those writings. They do not confirm that they are the word of God.

There is one central message consistently carried by all 40 writers, God, who created us all, desires a relationship with us.

I am the mother of a gay son. I did not ask for this.

God gave him to me.

When my son came out, my sister walked away from us. In her opinion he was a sexual deviant.

Ten years later, her son came out of the closet. In her opinion now, this is a genetic issue.

It may well be.

We had a gay uncle – a brilliant man who was knighted by the Queen.

I now have a gay grandchild who was accepted by one of the best universities in the world based on her academic achievements. They all were given to me by God. Thank you, God.

Then God gifted me with an amazing Indonesian-Muslim daughter-in-law.

To better understand her I read the new Qu’ran.

After a while, I was amazed to read the same teachings as in the New Testament. Love each other, respect each other.

What can I say?

The Christian God and the Muslim God have the same philosophy. Or are they one and the same?

My conclusion is that God is out there in many religions. Until we study each and every one, who are we to judge?

It is time for us to love each other, respect each other, take care of those who are unable to take care of themselves and get rid of hell fire and damnation and stop judging.

Christine Eden, Surrey

Peace Arch News