

LETTERS: How serious are we about controlling spread of COVID-19?



I wonder often in these times if we are generally serious about controlling the spread of COVID-19 here in the Lower Mainland and, in particular, in the White Rock area.

One ongoing example which makes me wonder and one recent irk.

On any day of the week you can attend Semiahmoo Mall and you will find at least three quarters of the staff unmasked. On the up-side, at least three quarters of the customers are masked?

Yesterday, as my wife and I strolled up Johnston to North Bluff we encountered a group of six or seven teenagers, affluent by the look of them, coming towards us. No masks (OK, they are outside) but they made no effort to social distance from each other and as they came towards us made no effort to distance from my wife and me.

How serious are we?

Peter Atkins, White Rock

Peace Arch News