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LETTERS: I have two questions for logging contractors

Why are the contractors select-logging dead, burned Fir?


Two questions:

1.) Why are the contractors for the major licensees Tolko and West Fraser that are working in the Chilcotin select logging dead, burned Fir.

In some areas it seems like 50 per cent or more of volume is being left in the form of full-length trees. I understand the need for coarse, woody debris but not only are they leaving many thousands of dollars worth of merchantable wood, they are going to become danger trees in the near future.

I cannot understand safe companies or WCB allowing this dangerous practice. What is going to happen when crews have to go into these areas to check stocking levels or do silviculture work?

Read More: Forest professionals have their work cut out for them

2.) Could somebody please explain to me why some contractors are logging green pine and spruce when there are thousands of hectares of burned wood going to waste?

It’s not hard to figure out which will last longer.

Bob Bradshaw

Big Creek

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