

LETTERS: In need of major upkeep

Letter writers address keeping White Rock presentable.


A black eye on White Rock!

On July 4, my husband and I strolled the pier to enjoy the evening. I decided after enjoying ice cream to wash my hands in the washrooms above the pier.

What a shock to find this disgusting, dark, dirty facility.

Summer is here and so are the tourists. Why is city hall spending money on advertising and flowers, etc., when necessary toilets are so neglected.

I have travelled extensively and have never seen such neglect.

I propose that the city council do a walk-through to see for themselves what the tourists see.

We as taxpayers should be ashamed.

Lynn Browne, White Rock

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Re: Councillors question unruly vegetation, July 5.

Regarding trash pickup on the promenade, maintenance of hillside walkways, road allowances, lane ways, etc., White Rock Coun. Lynne Sinclair quite correctly notes that in the past this work was done on a contract basis.

In fact, only one company has been doing it. They began in 1993 – Gordon Hogg, as mayor, signed the first contract – and the city terminated them March 31 of this year.

During their years of service, I do not recall letters to the editor or editorials regarding the level of service.

They came up with solutions to staffing, weather, growth rate and any other factors which relate to the work. The City of White Rock comes up with excuses.

They did a fine job for 24 years. Why doesn’t the city phone them up and ask how they did it?

J. Dixon, White Rock

Peace Arch News