LETTERS: LRT a burden to taxpayers

LETTERS: LRT a burden to taxpayers

Editor: Re: LRT to be complete 2024, Oct. 6.


Re: LRT to be complete 2024, Oct. 6.

Peace Arch News reports that the proposed Surrey light rail train (LRT) is to be up and running by 2024.

I will remind readers that Mayor Linda Hepner in her last election campaign promised “residents will be riding light rail here in Surrey in 2018.” She’s only off by six years – so far.

Nothing seems to stop this mayor from pushing a traffic clogging at-ground-train on taxpayers, not even the massive defeat she suffered when her Mayors Council transit plan and tax was soundly defeated.

LRT is the wrong system for a city the size of Surrey; this mayor risks burdening Surrey taxpayers for decades.

Surrey taxpayers need a say and a referendum on this reckless plan is required.

Steven Feldman, Surrey

Peace Arch News