Editor: On Feb. 12, as my husband Erich and I were walking on 204 St. in Brookswood, he passed out and fell backwards on the pavement on the side of the road, and he was unresponsive.
A young man stopped and attended to my husband and conveyed the information to 9-1-1 and stayed by me till the paramedics arrived. I’m sorry I forgot your name, but I cannot thank you enough and hope that you stopped by my home so I can give you a hug, as you know it was a touch and go situation.
I also would like to acknowledge my Brookswood neighbours for their support and to also thank (Vernett and two others) that brought comforters and blankets so that he was kept warm.
The following paramedics Rob and Paul from the cardiac unit who on Feb.12 were called in by another paramedic unit that was present (sorry I do not remember your name) but you did drive me to the hospital and called my children –– a big thank you.
Much appreciation to Dr. Z. Abrahams and all the nurses in the CCU who, for 20 days, gave my husband the best of care till he came home on March 3, all equipped with a pacemaker
So many others to thank but the good news is my husband is finally home and doing well.
Langley Memorial Hospital could not have done any better, thank you to all.
Gloria Hall-Proehl,