LETTERS: Neighbourhood not daycare

A home daycare, with four children would be totally reasonable in a neighbourhood zoned residential.

This is in regards to the proposed daycare facility at 96 Yorkton Ave.

Let’s start off by saying that I love children. I do understand that we need more daycare in Penticton. I worked for 20 plus years in School District 67 as an education assistant.

A home daycare, with four children would be totally reasonable in a neighbourhood  zoned residential. It is not the place to have a business caring for 20-25 children, ages one to five. This should be put in a commercial area.

I question why  Ms. Bootsma would go ahead and buy a home in an area designated residential just on an assumption  that the zoning could be changed to commercial.

Something fishy going on here. Who would put out close to half million dollars to do that if she wasn’t given reason to believe  it would be easy to get this changed. Most times people get everything in order before they put out that kind of money.

Suggesting that this size of a daycare would not be noisy or reduce our property values is simply nonsense.

We as a neighbourhood are not saying not in my backyard.

We should not be expected to move into a gated community as suggested by one letter writer. We simply ask and expect our neighbourhood to stay as such … a neighbourhood.

Lenora & Don Robson



Penticton Western News