Letters: No one is listening

Letter writer says we are at the tipping point on pollution

My brother is in Arizona for the winter. Pulled into a gas station to fill up with diesel. Then a fellow came out to help, turns out he is the owner. Price of diesel is $2.70/gallon and we pay $5 or better.  The owner says this is stupid, we put in the pipeline and make gas and diesel for almost half what you pay for your oil.

So, gas and diesel should be cheaper in Canada, than what we sell it for in the U.S.A. So what is wrong with this picture?

Then we sell our oil to the U.S.A. and China to make more CO2 in the air when the scientists say ‘stop.’ We are at the tipping point for pollution.

But the governments are not listening. I worry what we are leaving to our children and future generations. The public is also not listening. More people have to make waves, so the government will listen.

Write your MLA and MPs. This is why we pay them to do their job. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Gordon Stewart



Sooke News Mirror