Editor, The News:
Re: Council pay – 20 per cent more gross, same net.
So our local council thinks it shouldn’t be affected by a tax increase? Apparently, our council believes it’s OK to give themselves a pay increase, so as to effectively eliminate any reduction to their disposable income.
Unlike the rest of us, who are subjected to any and all increases in property taxes, imposed by our local politicians, and increases in income taxes, our council members think they are too good to have to take the tax hit, and live with what’s left.
Welcome to the real world, people. You work for me, and I don’t think you deserve a raise. So I say ‘no’ to your proposal for pay hikes. Fellow Maple Ridge residents, are you going to stand for this outrageous behaviour?
Frankly, I find council’s sense of entitlement nothing short of disgusting.
John Turner
Maple Ridge
‘Suck it up’
Editor, The News:
Here’s the way my week has unfolded: I receive my annual tax increase from Maple Ridge, then read that my next tax increase is already being baked in to cover our council’s future tax loss courtesy of the feds.
I know getting hosed by government is a fact of life and that our reps can appear to be greedy and self-serving. I expect that.
This, however, is a stick in the eye. Paying more and getting less from the government is the way it works and council should do what me and my fellow fixed-income seniors do when faced with a rising tax bill: suck it up.
This council is fresh off a sneaky spending referendum and in the middle of a disgraceful homeless situation, which has been bungled from day one. City hall is a mess, stuck in the 1980s and council is running this city like it’s a family business that can be looted to pay for whatever fantasy project it wants. The customer has no choice but to pay up.
Not one member of council had the sense to vote ‘no’ just for appearance sake. If that’s the level of competence and awareness of this group, then every one of them should be voted out. I’m sure this will be a big election issue.
One last thing: a 20 per cent raise to cover the tax on a third of their income is so over the top it’s disgusting. This is leadership? This is public service? Get out, all of you.
Barry Billas
Male Ridge