LETTERS: Noisemakers on our payroll

LETTERS: Noisemakers on our payroll

Editor: Every morning we are assaulted by noise in White Rock.


Every morning we are assaulted by noise in White Rock. But the worst is the almighty leaf blower used by the city parks crew.

These blowers just scatter the leaves, make ear shattering noise and throw out noxious fumes.

I have contacted these people several times. It’s like pulling teeth for them to do a job in the park, and then they send five people who take hours and hours to do a one-hour job. I don’t think I would complain if we weren’t taxed to the gills, but I expect a more efficient system than the one we have.

The people in charge – what the heck are they doing?

We need way more accountability. These people are not volunteering, they are making big bucks.

C.Kuhn, White Rock

Peace Arch News