I find it difficult to believe with all the traffic congestion on Highway 99, that the concept of turning bus-only HOV lane areas into full HOV lanes allowing people to drive in their own vehicles if they have more than two passengers is not being spoken about.
Highway 99 northbound has a HOV lane from just past Ladner Trunk Road up to the Massey Tunnel, but once you go through the tunnel, and reach Steveston Highway, the HOV lane all the way to Bridgeport is for buses only. Why not make this a full HOV lane?
On the reverse, from Bridgeport right up to Westminster Highway it is a bus-only HOV lane, then at Westminster Highway it turns into a full HOV lane. So why not just join the two as one full HOV lane?
Traffic is a mess during rush hour, and maybe this would help to ease the congestion, and not only get people to work earlier, but also home sooner?
Maybe one of the current political parties who seem to promise everything to get elected, should think about proposing this?
Craig Strever, Surrey