LETTERS: Redford form

In true Alison Redford form, Clark seems to have developed a warped sense of entitlement.

It has recently come to light that B.C. Premier Christy Clark has spent over a half million dollars on private jets since the last election, averaging about $1,300 per week.

In true Alison Redford form, Clark seems to have developed a warped sense of entitlement. Maybe that is why she and Alison were so buddy-buddy for a while. They were in cahoots  Schools closing all over the province, and here she is jet setting around on the taxpayer dime.

Maybe this warrants further investigation. Maybe Clark has a nice comfy condo built inside of a government building in her riding somewhere. Maybe an all-out audit on all of her previous expenses should be launched to see what other shady things may turn up when we dig a little deeper.

But we all know it wouldn’t matter. No matter what (if anything) turned up, no charges would be laid anyways. The Redford case is proof of that.

Mark Billesberger



Penticton Western News