Re: Gas prices driving motorists south, April 17
Something is wrong when Canadians have to drive to another country to buy affordable gas. Also, while travelling to the U.S. for gas they are buying select items which are cheaper than in Canada.
Gas prices in South Surrey-White Rock are now the highest in North America, and the main cause is high taxes.
In addition to local taxes, we are overwhelmed by federal taxes, including Federal Excise Tax, GST and the controversial carbon tax. The Prime Minister says the carbon tax will be good for us, but can we trust this government?
The federal government has made the decision that all provinces would have to implement the carbon tax by April 2019. Should they not comply, the feds would arbitrarily impose the tax.
This does not appear to be democracy in progress. Our economy is fragile, and the last thing we need is another tax. Particularly when the decision is based on speculation that the carbon tax will lower greenhouse gas emissions as consumers, in order to reduce carbon fees, will use less energy derived from fossil fuels and natural gas.
Does this mean that people will park their cars and drive less, or think twice about taking a shower or turn down the thermostat?
Residents of South Surrey-White Rock deserve some answers for having the most expensive gas in North America. Gas prices in the adjoining cities of Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam and especially Langley have been cheaper over the past years.
Can we count on our MP, Gordie Hogg, for the benefit of all Canadians to consider the most rational conclusion to control spiralling gas prices: Remove or reduce the carbon tax, or reduce some of the other federal taxes on gasoline.
Bill Parrott, Surrey