Cyril (Sid) Avigdor, left, pictured with friend Ryan McKenzie, died Dec. 7, 2020 after coming out of quarantine for a COVID-19 diagnosis. (Contributed photo)

LETTERS: ‘Sid’ a very special man who will be missed



Re: ‘Everybody had a Sid story,’ Jan. 14

I’m not sure if it is a sign of age, or of the pandemic, when one finds themselves writing yet another ode to a good friend within a week or so of the last.

Sid (Cyril Avidgor) was another good friend of my husband Mike. I have known Sid since I met my husband in 2006. It is a shock to know that he is no longer with us, as I typically saw him most weeks. He always made time for a chat.

Sid was a beautiful Teddy bear of a man, larger than life in his humour, in his love for others, and in his optimism overall. Those qualities are hard to find. Sid had them all.

I had been told about the accident that happened to Sid when he was younger, which made his adult accomplishments and ways of being even more amazing to me. I am sure that his road to recovery was full of hardships and victories, culminating in the man that I knew. Perhaps one day a story could be written about all of that. I am sure it would be very rich.

I am sorry that I did not know his family, as I would like to tell them how special their son/brother was. He made time for me always, he made me smile, and his memory never faltered.

I believe he met my son once many years ago, and forever remembered to ask how he was. He not only remembered him, but Sid also remembered the details of my son’s life and that he now lives in Germany.

I found this very endearing and, again, uncommon in most people. We are usually all so caught up in our own lives that we do not remember the smaller details about others’ lives. Sid always remembered.

Please know, Sid’s mom and sister, that your son and brother was a very special man who touched many people’s lives. He will be missed greatly. He was a fine man.

Mike and Jen Hammersmark, White Rock

Peace Arch News