Letters: Social media is ‘one of the only places left’

The reason the Republicans lost the last election to the Democrats is due to social media.

Editor, The News:

Re: Councillors, stay in real world (Letters, Jan. 20).

Steve Ranta is still living in the 19th Century.

The reason the Republicans lost the last election to the Democrats is due to social media.

The reason the Conservatives lost to the Liberals is social media.

Social media is the voice of the 21st Century.

The days of task forces with terms of references dictated by the administration are a thing of the past.

I inquired how to email a councillor since I did not see any email address listed for the individual councillor on the Maple Ridge website.

I was informed to email the city and address to the individual councillor.

Now that tells me the email is read prior to the councillors receiving it.

Social media is one of the only places left where an individual can express his honest opinion without censorship.

The mayor and council have a duty to listen to the residents of Maple Ridge, and they should stay clear from picking and choosing which sites, or as Mr. Ranta calls, “shallow, online blowhards.”

Len Lovering

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News