Re: Townhouses in Sooke
With all due respect to the Habitat for Humanity, it seems out of character for them to consider squeezing three townhouses with 12 families on to an existing park.
Is it even thinkable to raise children at the busiest intersection in town, while obliterating the very space they need for a playground? There are other more suitable places available for this type of development, while preserving greenspace for children to play.
It would be wonderful if our municipality would reward the Lions for all their hard work over the years by purchasing this park which is a great asset to the town centre.
After all the other dense development closes in, we will need an inner-city park/greenspace. Other towns manage this. Why can’t Sooke?
I picture a useable park with simple playground equipment, a bench or two and a picnic table. (There are grants to cover expenses). We could keep our giant spruce tree and the five big maple trees.
If we want tourism, lets not uglify our town centre. This is counter to the official community plan’s vision for a “quiet small town atmosphere.”
Kathy Johannesson