Letters to the Editor: Jan. 12

Letters to the Editor: Jan. 12

Moyie Tower; Hungry Wildlife; Scientific Wildlife Management

Moyie Tower

My wife and I were surprised and extremely disappointed to learn that the RDEK Board has voted to reject the changes necessary to allow the replacement of the communication tower in the Moyie townsite, apparently on the recommendation of its chairman, Rob Gay.

Mr Gay’s comments in the local newspaper that his recommendation reflects the Moyie community’s wishes is simply not true … the wishes expressed and confirmed by a majority of Moyie area residents at two previous meetings held in the fall of 2017 regarding this matter were very clearly ignored by Mr Gay.

His rationale as reported in the Daily Townsman that his negative recommendation reflects the wishes of the residents of Moyie notwithstanding his own belief that the new replacement tower would be a good idea is at best disingenuous as he seems to wish to come down in favour of both sides of the issue; at worst, it demonstrates a level of willful incompetence by Mr Gay in not conducting sufficient due diligence to fully investigate the matter, and all relevant events that preceded the December vote in Moyie.

It is indeed unfortunate that the persistent, ongoing chatter from a vocal minority group with a tenuous grasp of credible facts regarding the replacement tower can outweigh the expressed wishes of a majority of the Moyie area residents that are affected by this communication tower, and who took the time to attend meetings to understand the facts underlying the old tower and its replacement by a new one.

If the intention is to have the RDEK Board represent the wishes of the majority of the residents of the greater Moyie area, then this matter should be re-visited at the next opportunity available.

Paul and Denise Rose


Hungry Wildlife

There would be, and there should be, an outpouring of outrage, if some government agency were to order the closure of all food banks during this extremely cold season.

Why would anyone want to make it hard for volunteers to help the hungry during the most difficult days of winter?

Do you know that once again our B.C. ministry, that supposedly cares for animal welfare, is continuing to hamper and harass local efforts to feed hungry wildlife, during this extended cold and snowy period?

Each of us can and should try to make a difference, rather than sit in comfort, just letting nature complete its cruel course of shivering starvation.

Jesus said: “In as much as you have done it, or have not done it, to one of the least of these” will be taken very personally by the Lord Himself.

It is time for us to strongly rebuke those who are continuing to try and intimidate, bully and threaten with court action, the team, including Kootenay Wildlife Heritage, and its volunteers, in their current efforts to be a food bank feeding our hungry wild animals.

Dave Reeves


Scientific Wildlife Management

1. A recent scientific study conducted in the East Kootenay using remote cameras was published and it shows the greatest number of animals photographed were whitetailed deer. It also shows the further the camera was from a road, the greater number of deer recorded. Hunters support scientific game management, yet there is a concerted effort to change the whitetailed deer season by popular opinion rather than using science.

2. Some hunters are pushing to eliminate spike moose and spike elk seasons in the East Kootenay, yet science shows hunting spikes does not impact elk or moose populations. Another populous opinion trying to change the science. What will have the greater impact on our elk populations is the large number of 5 point elk illegally killed.

3. Science shows that feeding wildlife is not necessary, except in exceptional circumstances. Yet hunters spend their time, money and energy potentially harming our wildlife rather than creating the habitat the wildlife require. Any feeding done ought to be done under Regulation rather than using an ad hoc process over science and our professional biologists’ opinions. You can feed elk for a day or create habitat that lasts an elk’s lifetime. Montana wildlife officials are concerned that feeding stations will promote the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease in wildlife populations and Montana is next door to the East Kootenay and are experiencing CWD in their ungulate populations.

4. Science shows that increasing or improving wildlife habitat will increase wildlife populations. So rather than supporting science and our biologists, some hunters spend their time and energy trying to change Regulations rather than improving habitat.

5. Right now we need more wildlife biologists, more funding for wildlife management, a wildlife management plan with goals. Support is needed to ban herbicide treatments of some 55,000 hectares annually killing aspen and willow moose forage. Fighting against an apparent plan to restrict hunting in the northern half of this province to aboriginals only. Preventing a number of steelhead runs from going extinct. Increasing bighorn sheep populations that are critically low in numbers.

6. The time has arrived where our young hunters have to step up and embrace scientific wildlife management by taking over from the grumpy old geezers who are always talking about the past, promoting ad hoc, unscientific ideas, while doing little that makes positive changes for our wildlife’s future.

Larry Hall


Cranbrook Daily Townsman

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