Letters to the Editor:February 2

Deer cull clarification from former councillor; Deer culls as jobs


In response to some of the comments about my earlier deer cull letter to the Townsman, I’d like to clarify a few points.

I support the City’s deer cull. I did when I was a councillor and I do so now. But I don’t support Mayor and Council making such an important and sensitive decision in-camera and hiding their deliberations from the public. They did the same thing when they decided to sell the City’s heritage fire hall and this kind of government in the shadows has got to stop.

I know the City acted in part out of concern about the traps being vandalized, which is a legitimate concern, but not a justification for secrecy. Let’s face it. We’re a small town and secrets are hard to keep. Not only this, the trapping permit has to be obtained from the Province and that information isn’t confidential. We also know anti-cull groups will go to almost any length to obstruct culls

So what should Council do? The answer isn’t rocket science. If another cull is ordered, hopefully after public debate, Council should make it a contract condition that the contractor also provides security so that the traps won’t be vandalized. Yes, that would cost more money, but to do a job properly, you’ve got to spend money.

Council has already spent thousands on the culling program and used up countless hours of volunteer time by the deer count committee. So don’t you think it’s time that our City mothers and fathers did the job properly? Maybe if they did and the deer translocation program proved a success it would eliminate the need for culls in the future and end the divisiveness that has hurt the reputation of our town.

Maybe, as the experts claim, translocation won’t work, but it’s worth a try. And it would certainly be better than a Council that makes all its tough decisions in secret.

Gerry Warner


Re:  Sherry Adams recent letter.

Well, shucks, I must have forgotten that people should get paid for working.

As for a “fondness” for culling deer, give your head a shake. Years ago I used to work in a funeral home.  It’s another one of those jobs not too many people want to do.  I’d never go so far as to say I ever had a fondness for doing it.  That goes for culls as well.

RC Kerr

Cranbrook Daily Townsman