LETTERS: Two different mindsets

I can not think of a more accurate and sorry comment about the difference between the people running the two cities.

Kelowna will spend $12 million to purchase 2.9 acres of lakeside land to keep it from developers so they can create a new waterfront park.

Stated Mayor Colin Basran, “this was an absolutely incredible opportunity that we just couldn’t refuse.” Also stated in a newspaper was the fact that the acquisition of the site was hailed by city officials as a coup for the public … as it might have been purchased by developers.

At the same time, Penticton will destroy a significant portion of its waterfront park by leasing it to developers for a waterslide which will sit unused for eight or more months of the year despite the huge and increasing opposition to the plan.

I can not think of a more accurate and sorry comment about the difference between the people running the two cities.

Duane Martin




Penticton Western News