LETTERS: 'Two-edged sword' is one of hypocrisy

LETTERS: ‘Two-edged sword’ is one of hypocrisy



Re: A two-edged sword, Oct. 18 letters

I am genuinely appalled by the hypocrisy and intolerance of Edie Williams’ letter.

She begins by demonstrating her acceptance of people with differing religious perspectives. She notes the LGBT community had previously been denied access to the Star of the Sea Hall, then criticizes the organizers of the all-candidates meeting for moving the event to the all-inclusive White Rock Community Centre.

She asks, “Is the church not entitled to stand by what the Bible tells them,” which, in this case, would be intolerance and exclusion of the LGBT community.

The organizers of the all-candidates meeting were demonstrating tolerance and inclusion by moving the meeting to a place that would allow everyone – regardless of religion, race or sexual orientation – to attend.

She then blames the LGBT community for the event being relocated to a setting where she is “stifling hot and extremely uncomfortable.”

It would appear that Ms. Williams’ double edged sword occurs when tolerance and inclusion adversely impacts her ability to be comfortable.

Brian Carrigan, South Surrey

Peace Arch News