LETTERS: Up to new council to develop Marine Drive

LETTERS: Up to new council to develop Marine Drive



The mayor gets 1,883 votes from a city of about 20,000, less than 10 per cent. Granted, the number of eligible voters was 15,862, so let’s say about 12 per cent voted for Mr. Walker.

The councillors did not fair much better.

White Rock needs development and a complete makeover of its infrastructure. We have lived in the Surrey-White Rock area since 1955, and in some areas little has changed.

In my opinion, Marine Drive is a complete disaster, old buildings, broken-down sidewalks, little to no improvements for the elderly and handicapped to get around. It is little wonder why the locals, by and large, avoid Marine Drive.

It will be interesting to see how this new council handles this, one thing for sure is the city needs revenue, this will come from residential home owners and new developments, as presently White Rock has very little commercial business, industrial sites or sources of revenue like Surrey has.

White Rock is no longer the sleepy little town by the sea, it is part of Metro Vancouver and, like it or not, it should grow just like English Bay, North and West Vancouver, Richmond etc. Enjoy your next four years, council.

It will be very interesting. And remember that almost 90 per cent of our population did not vote for you.

R. Hardy, White Rock

Peace Arch News