Liberals show desperation

In a desperate move, the Liberals have called on Paul Martin, and his in partner in crime Jean Chretien. An expert recently stated that it was a bad move because of their baggage. When one looks at their package, attack ads and the like, it can easily be remembered and compared with the 13 years of Liberal of budget slashing. Cutbacks and tax hikes.

Paul Martin recently made a statement that Harper would cut health funding. A reporter quickly asked “Did you not cut the health funding?” Yes the Liberals did slay the $40 billion deficit by slashing and cutting. In one swoop and without consultation, the health care funding to the provinces was slashed from 50 per cent to 15 per cent — yes 15 per cent. It wasn’t until Martin was PM that he signed a 10-year agreement (currently in force) with the provinces which brought it up to 25 per cent, only half of the original. The provinces and their people were made to suffer.

They raised taxes big time. Remember the creeping tax? Martin’s invention. Then slashing other programs. Yes they slayed the deficit, on the backs of the poor, students and filtering off the EI and pension funds.

Broken promises. Remember “If elected I will immediate cancel the Free Trade Agreement,” or the other “I will immediately cancel the GST”.

The two then raped the armed forces, closing bases right and left, downsizing, letting Korean-type equipment to further deteriorate, replaced nothing, cancelled replacement helicopters that were already 10 years passed their critical dates, cancelled a major upgrade to Pearson airport. These last two alone cost the taxpayers several hundred million in default.

We became the laughing stock of UN missions. Hired ships and Russian cargo planes to ferry equipment. One ship couldn’t land as it did not have the right permits. They now promise to cut the replacement fighters and other forces needs. Remember the good deal they gave us on the submarines?

Let’s not forget, the Liberals will again find a way to plunder the resources of Western Canada. They’ve done it before. They left our general to rot in Rwanda to witness a slaughter. Their ability to deal with he UN Security Council was zip

Do yourself a favor “Iggy”, get rid of Martin/JC and the apple-heads that talked you into it. Sell yourself.

Ed Bonthoux





Penticton Western News