I did not know that when we made the move to the beautiful area of Qualicum Beach three years ago, that there is a sinister side to living in the area.
Prices for goods, services and necessities are higher and often double what they are in other areas of the Island.
On a recent trip down to Sooke, we were surprised to find that as soon as you arrive at Ladysmith the price per litre of fuel drops by six to seven cents a litre. The price remains at this cheaper rate and only rose to 145.9 in Victoria, where the increase is due to the new tax that has been applied to the capital region.
I will not go on with the many price differences I have noticed, but I must mention one more.
On a visit to Manitoba, I was delighted to see the local store selling frozen berries from Qualicum Beach. The shock came at the price.
The berries were selling for $8.99 a box. I have been paying $19.99 for the same box at local grocer. I have a hard time understanding this as we all know the cost of shipping a product half way across Canada should make the price increase, not decrease.
Do not get me wrong. I love my life in Qualicum; I am just tired of paying higher than fair prices.
Bernie Tardiff
Qualicum Beach