Life lessons

A young man once had it all, a loving father, a nice estate to live in, and a well-paying job.

A young man once had it all, a loving father, a nice estate to live in, and a well-paying job. Yet there was always something missing. The big pay cheque, the good times and all the beautiful things still only gave him a temporary feeling of contentment. So the search continued…bigger houses, more friends, and larger bank accounts.

One day he woke up and found that his whole life had passed him by. The entire here today and gone tomorrow stuff was nothing more than chasing after the wind.

He came to a realization that it wasn’t a 4.0 GPA, or the right to own a fire arm or whether a person eats meat or not that really makes a lasting difference in a person’s life. No matter what, give thanks for God’s blessings in the good times, and especially in the difficult times, because it’s during these trials of life that true godly character is developed.

After all, it wasn’t the prodigal son who didn’t go in to the banquet; it was the hard-working son who did all the right things but held bitterness and jealousy in his heart towards his own brother.

College degrees, cable TV, food and fire arms all pass away with use. As Christians, we are to encourage each other to dwell on the things that build up. bring together and unite. After all, in Heaven, there will be neither conservative nor liberal, only forgiven.

David G. Petrie



Vernon Morning Star