You shall have an update on my travels next week as I am planning on journaling as we go. Whitehorse here I come.
New Zealand has unveiled the world’s first “wellbeing budget” that is supposed to pour billions of dollars into mental health services and agencies that seek to tackle child poverty and family violence. This is the first western country to design its entire budget based on wellbeing priorities and instruct its ministries to design policies to improve wellbeing. It will be interesting to see how this works out.
You are invited to the Library’s 5th Campfire Cookout & Singalong, Friday, June 28, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Riverside. Gather around the campfire with songs, tug-of-war, pinatas and more. Marshmallows, drinks and hotdogs provided by BV Wholesale. Just bring along a roasting stick and an instrument if you have one to join in the music. If a campfire ban is in effect on the 28th there will be roasting wieners on a BBQ. Please note: there is no parking available on-site, community members may park up top and walk into the park. Generously supported by the Friends of the Smithers Library, Bulkley Valley Wholesale, RBC, SCSA, New Direction Day Support Program and the Town of Smithers.
The Bulkley Valley Amateur Radio Society (BVARS) will be participating in the North America wide Field Day exercise/contest June 22 and 23 at the group campsite, Tyhee Lake Provincial Park. The goal is to practice setting up an emergency field station and running it for 24 hours, contacting as many other Field Day stations as possible on as many modes and bands as possible, do some PR with the public and emergency officials and most importantly just have some fun radio time, getting together with fellow hams. All interested folks are welcome. Those without a licence can still participate and get on the air. This would be a good time to meet people and try some operations. More information Official setup will begin 11 a.m. Saturday, June 22 with antenna raising etc. Then things will run for 24 consecutive hours. Sunday afternoon will be tear down and relaxing. This event will also run as an EMBC Emergency Communications exercise, covered for liability and WorkSafe (make sure you sign in on arrival). Goals will be to familiarize ourselves with the portable station equipment and setup, practice sending/receiving written traffic through Winlink radio email system, general operating experience. Let them know if you are planning to attend and when during the weekend. Check out their Facebook page: Bulkley Valley Amateur Radio Society.
Interested in joining the Smithers Community Christmas choir, e-mail Sharon Carrington at for information. Rehearsals start first Wednesday in September, performances will be December 6, 7, 8 at the CRC.
Closing with: Something I read that held meaning for me: Live in a way that you never lose because at the end of every experience you either win or you learn.