Local race no place for Jumbo

There are many issues to discuss in this race — Jumbo isn't one of them.

To Invermere Council candidates,

Thank you for the commitment you have made to our town by running in the election.

By now, I am sure you have all been asked for your opinion on the Jumbo Glacier Resort. Before you place too much focus on this question, please be aware that I, as a voter, am not interested in hearing your opinion on the resort. I believe you are as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. However, I also believe this question has no place in our local election. We have many important issues to discuss right here in our town.  I would like to hear what you think the current council has done well, so that I know you’re in touch with how our community is run. I would also like to hear what you think could be improved in our community, so that I can judge whether or not your priorities are in line with mine, and hence, I should vote for you. If you insist on viewing the Jumbo question as a deciding factor in the election, I can only conclude that you are not in touch with local priorities, and not a good choice for council.

Thank you,

Paul Christy

Invermere BC


Invermere Valley Echo