Locals turned away from Moonlight Movie

letter to the editor from Tim Whitehead, Barriere - locals turned away from moonlight movie

To the editor;

Re: Interior Savings Moonlight Movie show Aug. 18, in Barriere.

It is a great idea to have these Moonlight shows in our community, as I feel it brings the community together and helps build relationships and bonds our citizens together. This will always benefit a small community like ours.

However, in your paper you advertised that, “Whilst there is no charge to attend the event, a donation of $3 per person or $10 per family of four is suggested.”

Now, unless I am mistaken, a suggestion is not a demand. And a statement saying that there is no charge to attend the event is not a code saying you won’t be allowed in unless you pay.

My daughter and her boyfriend were flatly denied admission to the event and told several times that they must pay to get in.

Had she had funds on her she would have gladly paid, but in this instance she did not have, she was turned away and returned home quite upset with how she was treated by the gate person.

I might suggest that either one of two things should happen.

1) If there is no charge to attend these functions, then there should be no charge, and

2) If there is to be a charge to attend then it should be clearly stated in your column that this is so.

I am not suggesting that the paper advertised this event inaccurately at all, merely that the gate keepers were a little over zealous in there interpretations of what the word “suggestion” means.

Kind regards

Tim Whitehead

Barriere, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal