Dear Editor:
We wish to express our concerns over the proposed solar project.
We understand the offer of the majority of funds from senior levels of government is tantalizing but we question the proposal to locate the solar field on prime housing land. Surely there are suitable alternatives that exist or could be created on less prime land – such as mountain side/industrial?
READ ALSO: LETTER: Summerland solar project should be located elsewhere
READ ALSO: LETTER: Summerland solar project should be reconsidered
As well, we feel there is a learning curve for the district concerning operation, maintenance and revenue optimization.
Is the project economically feasible in terms of targeted potential revenue to costs? How well has this been thought out? Is there new technology on the horizon that would lower costs – even render the proposed equipment obsolete?
Summerland’s track record with some previous projects generates concerns when one remembers: mislaid sewers; telephone poles left in the middle of the road; roundabout streets too narrow and water treatment mistakes.
Glen and Diane Witter
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