Look at the bright side

Plans for the Hot July Nights Car Show are inching forward.

This week's editorial.

Plans for the Hot July Nights Car Show are inching forward.

The 100 Mile District Council this week approved the closure of Birch Avenue for the annual event, slated for July 18 this year. The event had traditionally been held on Birch Avenue, before being moved to Centennial Park in recent years, and the idea is to bring it home.

Although the event is still months away – and the organizers could face some bumps in the road until it actually happens – the fact they’re still making plans and raring to go should give us all a sense of renewed optimism. It should also remind us that there are good things – not only ahead – but available here right now in the South Cariboo.

Take, for example, the South Cariboo’s wonderful outdoor paradise. We have ice rinks everywhere. The mild weather might be posing some challenges for our lake rinks, the new 100 Mile outdoor rink or the one at Forest Grove is still the perfect outlet to get outside. At 99 Mile, there are fantastic trails for nordic skiers, while Mt. Timothy is a perfect escape. And if you can find a pair of snowshoes – apparently they are flying off the shelves – it’s a super way to beat the winter blues.

For the artistically inclined, there’s a virtual photography contest happening now, the Parkside Gallery is still hosting exhibits and Peter Skene Ogden is planning a virtual performance of Poe: Dreams of Madness. Even Seedy Saturday is going ahead virtually next month so we can start preparing for our planting season.

This is also the perfect time to hunker down and get those projects done that have been sitting on our ‘someday’ shelves. Write (or read) that novel, paint that landscape, organize that man cave. Spring cleaning is still months away but it’s a good time to get that out of the way so we can all get out and enjoy Hot July Nights and whatever else might (hopefully) be happening in our town this summer.

While the days are sometimes dark, it’s a good time to look at the bright side.


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100 Mile House Free Press