Loss of shade will be noticed

Some of us elderly people need the shade, due to health problems, allergies to the sun and thin skin that burns

Your remark in the editorial on April 17 that “the loss of a little shade seems to be a small price to pay,” is ludicrous.

Some of us elderly people need the shade, due to health problems, allergies to the sun and thin skin that burns. This is not a “small price to pay,” it is a big price. I walk down along Okanagan Lake every day. The wooden bench where I sat is gone.

Now my favourite tree, that provided me with shade all year long, will also be gone. This was one of the nicest views in Penticton and now, thanks to eradication of our trees, nothing will be the same. Please remember that the biggest population of Penticton is the seniors.

Marjorie Haynes





Penticton Western News