Lost souls and broken hearts

Letter writer gives his thoughts thinking about The Genesis of Remembrance Day

To the editor;

These are some of the thoughts that ran through my mind while I was thinking about the Canadian lads who fought and died during the Great War.

The words were originally attached to the symbolic image of a broken heart.

The Genesis of Remembrance Day

Lost souls. Broken hearts. Lights flash and thunder roars inside a cloud of billowing smoke drifting across a desolate land.

Above the uproar, riding the wind in repetitive waves, the lonesome sound of a solitary piper rises and falls, rises and falls. Inside this ghostly mist of acrid fog frightened faces of wide-eyed young men appear and disappear, appear and disappear.

Lost actors in a horrendous play written years ago for this deadly day.

Lloyd Atkins

Vernon, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal